En el siguiente video se muestra el proceso de instalacion del Firmware OpenWRT en Routers de las Marcas mencionadas. En el caso del Router GL-iNET viene con OpenWRT pero viene con una version antigua, este proceso te va a servir para instalar la ultima version disponible de dicho firmware
https://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots ... /packages/
https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/ ... ek/filogic
https://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots ... ek/filogic
https://mirror-03.infra.openwrt.org/rel ... x/generic/
https://mirror-03.infra.openwrt.org/rel ... x/generic/
https://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots ... xx/generic
How to Install OpenWrt Firmware,glinet,gl-inet,Tp-link,d-link,Linksys,Netgear,Quick start guide for OpenWrt installation,Installing OpenWrt,Flint2,Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 7,GL.iNet GL-A1300,Slate AX (GL-AXT1800) Wi-Fi 6 Travel Router ,Instalando openwrt router,Download Firmware OpenWrt,Spitz AX Dual SIM,4G,RT-AC68U,5G,Flint 3,Flint (GL-AX1800),AX3000 VPN Router,AUSTek - CFE miniWeb Serve,OpenWRT installation instructions,Instrucciones de como Instalar,ubiquiti,Linux ,Stable Release Firmware,BananaPi OpenWrt One ,Recovery Mode,Uboot failsafe,USB Ethernet Adapter,Unbrick Router,GL-B3000(Marble),Broadcom,Debricking,ARM CHIPSET,Bootloader,uboot,Step-by-Step Guide to Installing OpenWRT Firmware on Routers,Acceso Remoto,LAN Local Area Network,GL-MT6000 Wi-Fi 6 AX6000 Home Router,GL-X2000 Wi-Fi 6 4G LTE CAT 12 Router,GL-X3000 Wi-Fi 6 Cellular Gateway,Wireguard y OpenVPn,IPSex,Brume 2 (GL-MT2500A) VPN Security Gateway ,Slate Plus (GL-A1300) Ultra Efficient VPN Encrypted Gigabit Travel Router
Como INSTALAR OpenWRT en Routers GL.iNET y ASUS | Debrick Tutorial
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